
Showing posts from July, 2011

Enough Already!

Enough already. Time for Congress to pass a clean debt ceiling increase in order to avoid default -- the same way it did repeatedly during the Reagan and Bush years.  It's time for Congress to act simply and responsibly to avoid the prospect that millions of American families won't get their Social Security checks, or their veterans' benefits, or their military pay. It's time to end the prospect that interests rates on credit cards and car loans and mortgages will rise and take hundreds of millions of additional dollars out of consumer's pockets. It's time for Congress to end the three-ring circus that the Republicans created by electing to hold the debt-ceiling hostage in order to promote their right wing ideological agenda. And if the Republicans in Congress are too reckless and irresponsible to do it, the president should seriously consider using his powers under the 14th Amendment to avoid default and borrow the money we need ...