How bad is it that I totally forgot I had a blog??? I mean, I wan't a constant blogger, but GEEZ!!! So Anyways, let me just highlight some of the pertinent highlights to catch alone up to date... On July 10, 2017 my oldest daughter had her first baby. She and her husband are adjusting well. I am heading down in September to spend 12 days with them in Texas. I competed in April 2017 for California Plus America and placed 1st runner up and Miss Congeniality in my division. I became the Activity Coordinator at work (senior living) in 2012 and got my administrator certification in 2016. The Israeli radio show I produced and co-hosted ended in 2013, but I have been thinking lately of revising it a bit and making it a podcast. Yeah ... sadly, these are the main highlights. Apparently I have no life ... I am hooking this blog into my laptop and into my phone so that I can update more often.