
Showing posts from 2010

Where's My Jake Ryan?

"Sixteen Candles" is on A & E -- It reminds me that my lawsuit against John Hughes, Michael Schoeffling ('Jake'), and Universal Studios (collectively, 'the parties of the second part') is still in limbo whilst the Supreme Court decides whether to hear the case, which seeks unlimited damages for the permanent emotional disability incurred as a result of seeing aforementioned film and consequently believing such perfect men existed.

Thought For The Day

"Welcome every morning with a smile. Look on the new day as another special gift from your creator, another golden opportunity to complete what you were unable to finish yesterday. Be a self-starter. Let your first hour set the theme of success and positive action that is certain to echo through your entire day. Today will never happen again. Don't waste it with a false start or no start at all. You were not born to fail." ~~Og Mandino

Miss Anchorage Pageant

     The Miss Anchorage, Miss Cook Inlet, Miss Anchorage Outstanding Teen Pageant was held Saturday September 11, 2010 at the UAA Arts Building Recital Hall. The pageant opened with a moment of silence in memory of 9/11/2001 followed by the National Anthem. The contestants introduced themselves during a production of "Welcome to the Show" by Britt Nicole.      The new Miss Anchorage 2011 is 23 year old Eden Barrington.Eden performed "The Doll Aria" from the opera "Le Contess de Hoffman" for the talent portion of the competition. Eden's platform is "Stop Diabetes: Join the Movement".      The new Miss Cook Inlet 2011 is 21 year old Chelsey Reeves.Chelsey performed "Almost There" from the Disney film "The Princess and the Frog" for her talent. Chelsey's platform is "Nutrition and Health Awareness for Youth".      The 1st Runner-up was Danielle Kusmider.Danielle performed a Hip Hop dance to a stylish music

Sometimes You Just Need A Smile!


Wine Tasting In Temecula

Spent August 1st with Birthright Israel Next LA in Temecula CA for a day of wine tasting.  We went to three wineries; Ponte, Maurice Carrie, and La Cereza.  It was very enlightening as to the process of wine making and the best thing ws to try the popular California local wines.  The Whole Group!

Quote For The Day

If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. ~~ Frank A. Clark

Sababa Event - March 2010

I'm a bit late in posting, but this is a photo from a Sababa Event held in Beverly Hills, CA this past March.  Every month they hold a party for the Jewish Community & invite everyone to attend.  Ten percent of the proceeds are donated to a charity which sends children with cancer to camps during the summer.  The people who attend are from all walks of life & it is truly an amazing event!

French Elle Features Plus Size Beauty in April Issue


Niecy Nash & Her Jiggly Parts!

Niecy Nash (from Reno 911) gave up BIG props for ALL PLUS SIZE women.  Currently she's on Dancing With the Stars and she told the experienced male dancer partner, I like dancing but I LOVE MY JIGGLY PARTS!   Then she goes on to say after dancing her routine...THIS DANCE IS FOR ALL THE PLUS SIZE WOMEN OUT THERE!  Y'all let's give Niecy love and support on Dancing With the Stars.  I appreciated the shout out and this further solidifies that PLUS SIZE women aren't in competition with ANYONE and we can do whatever we put our minds to!    I LOVE NIECEY NASH!

Inspiration For The Day

"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple" - Dr. Seuss

Miss California Plus America Pageant

OK, so the pageant has been moved again! Now it's April 18th in Ontario, CA.  If anyone wants the information to attend & cheer me on, I'll message it to them once I get all the deets myself! Tiara Dreams,      Brigitte

Vote For Miss Alaska

Miss USA : Members Miss Alaska, Sarah Temple, is a wonderful and charming young woman who has a spark of joy about her! She is well spoken and an has a graceful presence that makes people at ease around her. Please take a moment to vote for Sarah!!!

Inspiration Off Twitter ...

If I have given my all & still don't win, I haven’t lost. Others might remember winning or losing; I remember the journey - I did it!! ~~from ApoloOhno  

Musical Montage

I've been going crazy running around doing stuff today that I feel like I haven't gotten anything done!  Do you ever feel that way?  The one constant today though has been my trusty IPOD & I'm bored now, so I'm going to list the last 100 songs played.  Surprisingly for my eclectic tastes, it wasn't as random as I thought ... 1.    Falls On Me - Fuel 2.    Tantum Ergo - Charlotte Church 3.    No One - Alicia Keys 4.    I've Been Thinking About You - Mariah Carey 5.    Science Fiction - Everclear 6.    I'm Not That Girl - Wicked Soundtrack 7.    React - Erick Sermon 8.    Brown Eyes - Lady Gaga 9.    Let Me Fall - Josh Gracin 10.  The Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Tony Bennett & Sting 11.  Last Dance - Paperback Hero 12.  Serious - Legally Blonde Soundtrack 13.  I Have A Little Dreydle - Western Wind 14.  Without You - Dixie Chicks 15.  I Will Buy You A New Life - Everclear 16.  Hometown Glory - Adele 17.  Kentucky Rain - Elvis Presley

Rainy Day

It's raining outside & I just thought I would share the thought that I'm tired of rain!!!


I have a new goal! Help me to earn 1000 community service hours by July 2010. Please let me know if you have any community events that I can attend as Ms Los Angeles County Plus America 2010. The wonderful thing about having a pageant queen at an event is that the crown and banner draws a lot of attention. I'm a great public speaker and would be happy to help spread the message about great community projects. Please email me at . If you or your company is interested in interviews, photo ops, meet & greets, or becoming a sponsor for Ms California Plus America, please send a message or send an e-mail to for further information.

Updated Calendar

To the right, I've updated my appearances ... this is as of today. Tiara Dreams,      Brigitte - Miss Virginia Claims 2010 Miss America Title - Miss Virginia Claims 2010 Miss America Title Posted using ShareThis

Salmon Enchiladas

Salmon Enchiladas Posted using ShareThis

The Original Dress Design

So this is the dress design we came up with ... what do you think? I'm thinking it may need a back piece as I will have to wear something to keep "the girls" contained, but otherwise it's gorgeous! I choose to have the royal blue color to honor the fact that I was raised in Alaska.  Somehow Frankie is going to add some gold (but not too much) to represent the stars on our flag ... And if it's sparkles, hopefully not too much ... Once it's final & made, I'll post photos so you can see the fabulousness that is me!  Thank you Frankie! <3

Why I Love American Idol

OK, I love it for Simon ... but then these "people" show up & just put a smile on my face ...

Miss Alaska Trunk Show

Barring any flight problems, I will be home this weekend to send off Sydnee!!!

Dress Dilemma!

So I decided that I just might as well get my dress custom made ... Problem is, I have looked at so many different styles, I'm not sure WHAT I want!!! I'm thinking Grecian style with hit slit (my legs rock!) & banded or corded waist ... Thing is being 5'4" tall is would I be able to carry it off & then, what about color?  I love bold colours, but this style seems to say muted ... I sent all my ideas to Frankie & *HOPEFULLY* he'll muddle through them all to make the perfect dress for me!!! If he can get thriough the gazillion styles & colour schematics I sent him last night that is ... Then it'll come to cost ... the economy still sucks, especially here in California, but if the dress is me then I'm going for it!  Sometimes you gotta splurge if it's for the right thing, ya know? Well I will post Frankie's concepts once he sends them to me & let me know what you think.  Maybe even let you vote?  hmmmm ... If I take state, th

Welcome 2010!!!

OK, so we are a few days in now ... still trying to get used to writing 2010, but I think everyone has that problem! hahaha My Torrid Appearances fell through. :( We were all set & then - BAM! - they pulled out!  Something about Miss Plus America not being withing their target niche or something vague like that.  Ummm ... hello ... most of my wardrobe is from you!  But, whatever ... I'm also trying to do an appearance at the Lane Bryant in the mall by my house. OK ... now dress shopping is moved up as a priority!  I need to find THE dress for formal wear ... Any suggestions?  I just don't know what I really want ... If I win state, I'm splurging and having one specially made for me by a friend ... He's a designer so I'll rust him to make me look good, even if it costs me! :) Hmmm ... New Years Resolution this year is to cut out fast food/proccessed junk & caffeine.  I think the first part will be easy, but the caffeine ... I love my diet sodas & te